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Psaltics (Psaltica)
Andon Shahpaski
Liturgical Chants Collection (2006)
Andon Shahpaski
Short Book of Resurrection Hymns (2004)
Andon Shahpaski
Until a few years ago, Andon Shahpaski’s name (born in the village of Smojmirovo, Maleshevo region in Macedonia, approx. 1860-1928) was completely unknown to Macedonian music history. As a result of Kodjabashia’s discovery of a musical manuscript and a few liturgical books from Shahpaski’s library, Macedonian musical heritage was enriched with a new set of artefacts and scientific evidence.
Shortly after this discovery, the Centre for Byzantology studies released part one of this magnificent manuscript, titled “Short book of Ressurection hymns”.
Liturgy (2004)
Dimitar Zlatanov Gradoborski
Church singing in Macedonia (2008)
Jane Kodjabashia
Orthography (with base theory) of the Byzantine notation (2010)
Jane Kodjabashia
Study guide for Eastern Church singing (2004)
Jane Kodjabashia
Theory and practice of Church singing from Byzantine tradition (2004)
Jane Kodjabashia
Life and creation (2007)
Joan Harmosin Ohridski
Eastern Liturgical Chants – Vespers and Matins (2005)
Kalistrat Zografski
Eastern Liturgical Chants - Liturgy and Resurrection Hymns (2005)
Kalistrat Zografski
Psaltic Hymns of Ressurection (2002)
Vasil Ivanov Bojadziev