The intention of this website is to acknowledge the people and events that influenced the historical development of Church music from Byzantine tradition in Macedonia. As such, this site presents music edition publications of the Centre for Byzantine Studies from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia which, based on manuscripts and printed psaltic art from Macedonian music authors from 19th and 20th century were prepared by Jane Kodjabashia, Ph.D.

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About the author

Jane Kodjabashia (1942) studied music theory at the Music Academy of Belgrade and solo singing / vocal studies at the Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje, Macedonia. He specialised Eastern Christian liturgical chant and Palaeography at the Music University of Bucurest, Romania, with professor Sebastian Barbu – Bukur, where he completed and defended his doctoral dissertation on “Music culture from Byzantine tradition on territory of Macedonia in 19th century”.

Jane Kodjabashia has written 12 books and a number of editorial columns in various specialised publications in Macedonia and internationally. At present, he is a professor of Church singing at two theological education centres: Orthodox Faculty of theology and Macedonian Orthodox Seminary in Skopje. For his research and scientific achievements, Jane Kodjabashia received the prestigious “13 November” award of the city of Skopje.

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